Esther’s Escape

Esther is curiously quirky, with a zest for playful adventures. She has a peculiar way of looking at the world and can turn the seemingly ordinary into moments of wonder. Esther practices the 'art of play' to develop her imagination and improve her mental, physical and emotional resilience.

Creative Direction / Graphic Design / Branding / Marketing / Storytelling

Esther's Escape represents the duality of being positive whilst addressing looming anxiety. Our heroine helps us establish a space to acknowledge the complexity of mental health in our lives as we strive for balance.

Esther is on a journey of self-discovery. As we dive into Esther's world, teachable moments are uncovered and fostered between children, their caregivers, and teachers. Esther’s stories aim to help children learn to understand themselves and others as they build meaningful relationships.

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